Pottermore: that wonderful free site from J.K.Rowling!
Slytherin House wins again!
Sly Slytheirn House won the Hogwarts house cup again, wonderful and we got the picture
above as a reward but what I need to know is where are the Slytheirn women in this !
Seven Great guys but come already I know of four powerful women Slytherins; Morgan Le Fay, Dolores Jane Umbridge, Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lesstrange.
There has to be more than that!
Pottermore Comments !
The comment moderation was mad!It would not let use numbers e.g 1,2,3,4,5 or character names from her own book like Lily or Voldemort!
Chat speak like r u ok? was not allowed but really Pottermore trying to control the internet is pointless and useless.
It can not be done; as Pottemore in there wisdom to protect younger fans of Harry Potter which I get has removed comments and status updates as it was becoming really annoying to all users and moderators like.
But the site Pottermore is fantastic and really good! But I wish it had more games on it!