Subscription Options Explained!
- It launched on Wednesday, 28th August 2013
- Currently 80 Figurines are planned
- Includes all 11 Doctors!
- First Issue £2.99
- Subsequent Standard Issues £6.99
- Subsequent Upgrade Issues (Premium Subscribers Only) £7.99 to obtain the Dalek (7) Collection
- Every 2 Weeks in the Shops
- Two Issues delivered every 4 weeks if you subscribe
- Subscribers only Will Get Emperor Dalek, Digital edition, One Stand and Binder
- Subscribers can automatically receive further display plinths at £14.99 each every 10 issues
- Subscribers can automatically receive binders every 16 issues at £6.99 each
Wherever possible, your FREE subscription gifts will be packaged and sent along with your copies, as follows:
- Binder – In your second shipment
- Display Stand – In your third shipment
- Giant Dalek Figurine – In your fifth shipment
- Digital Edition – Extra Gift available to current
- subscribers
Premium Subscribers ONLY!!
Premium Subscribers also get every 10 issues, one Dalek out of seven Daleks plus the stand will be included with your standard subs delivery. You will start paying the extra £1.00p from issue 2 onwards, if you start your subscription at a later issue you just have to pay an additional £1.00p per issue for the issues you have missed.
Check out for more information or visit their facebook page