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Wherever possible, your FREE subscription gifts will be packaged and sent along with your copies, as follows:
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Premium Subscribers also get every 10 issues, one Dalek out of seven Daleks plus the stand will be included with your standard subs delivery. You will start paying the extra £1.00p from issue 2 onwards, if you start your subscription at a later issue you just have to pay an additional £1.00p per issue for the issues you have missed.
It was a great event and I really enjoyed it. Plus I got involved with a new campaign which Skepta will tell you all about in the video below. Here is Skepta talking about #MyPoweris campaign!
I want to tell you about Vcashpoint which I used as Youth Action Team member for Leicestershire and Rutland to create the Rare Youth magazine!
Vcashpoint is simple.
If you're 14-25 and have an idea that will solve a problem in your community we want to help.
We're offering grants of up to £500 to turn your ideas into reality, and get your projects of the ground.
The great thing about Cashpoint is that once funding's signed off you run your project the way you want to.
We've already changed many young peoples' lives and transformed communities for the better.
You can bring your social action projects to life by clicking the link below !
vInspired are asking young people to name an issue they want to change. Think more could be done to clean up the environment? Know how to raise awareness of school bullying? Tell them about it. Together, we’re all going to Change Something
Hello All, Who does not Love Funny Cat Pictures? Here is a great campaign by Do Something UK VInspired called LOLZ NOT TROLLS!
Lolz not Trolls Help Do Something UK make the internet a happier place You could win an iPad mini. There are FIVE to be won! Lolz Not Trolls on Facebook | Facebook All about not being a internet troll and not cyber-bulling anyone regardless of age.
An internet trolls is defined as someone who posts inflammatory,extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on- topic discussion.